Playing The Game Of Life – Alan Watts


Alan Watts – playing the game of life. This video single-handedly inspired me to live my life free from society’s expectations. I refuse to conform and join the rat race…the game of life.

I will not be fooled, tricked and dipped into this way of living and I will choose to live my best life free from the shackles of expectations of schooling and childhood.

When will we change the way we raise the next generation? When will we encourage them to think for themselves and go out into the world and ‘explore’. Take risks, live life, and do what makes their heart sing every single day.

feeling inspired for change after watching playing the game of life? You and me both. Subscribe for more inspiring videos.

Video credits to TJOP

Music used: Mark Petrie – Differ Capo Music – Triumph Ludovico Einaudi – Divenire Adi Goldstein – Tears of Joy Mario M – Disbelief See Trailer Tracks – Isolation


Whilst Your here

Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.

Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.

– Buddha

Fill your mind with positive thoughts and you will surround yourself with the same.

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