The Many Benefits of the Elderberry Plant Amidst An Impending Flu Season

elderberry flower


For ages, the elderberry plant has been revered as a natural healer and preventative method when treating illness and disease. In recent times, this plant has grown in popularity for its ability to relieve pain and inflammation among other feelings of unease. As we continue into the winter months, there is a lot of conversation building around the coronavirus making stress levels increase. Introducing elderberry into your life may prove to be beneficial whether it is used for preventative measures or as a treatment modality.   



When used for preventative measures, elderberry contains many of the ingredients found in most superfoods.   

  • High in vitamin C- The fruit contains up to 60% of the recommended daily intake.
  • Anti-inflammatory- Contains anthocyanin which provides anti-inflammatory effects while also giving the fruit its deep color
  • Dietary fiber- Elderberries also contain over one-quarter of the recommended daily intake.
  • Rich in antioxidants- such as phenolic acid and flavonols. 

The list above reviews the contents of the plant, however, the benefits don’t end here. Elderberry is also said to improve heart health. In some studies, there have been cases where unhealthy cholesterol levels have significantly dropped. Aside from the heart benefits, elderberry fights harmful bacteria, supports the immune system, and can even protect against harmful UV radiation.

When I was suffering from a nail infection, I found a HungoSem review online and guess what the main ingredient in the supplement was? You guessed it – Elderflower



Elderberry can be consumed in various ways including liquid forms, capsules, or gummies, and can easily be found in the health department of your local market. In one study, it was found that those with influenza who took 15ml of elderberry syrup four times per day showed a significant improvement in symptoms within two to four days. There are countless studies showing the swift healing results of working with elderberries when experiencing flu-like symptoms such as a fever, headache, muscle ache, or nasal congestion.   

Keep in mind, when making these products, like syrups, the processing of the plant may reduce benefits compared to more whole versions of the plant. While these studies have been conducted in the lab, there is an abundance of resources recounting stories from individuals who have benefited from elderberries. As you learn more about the benefits of elderberry, remember to listen to your body, and do your own research.   

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