These Award-Winning Wildlife Photos Showcase A Grounding Parallel of Our Current Reality

monkey in a chain


The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition recognizes the best nature photography and the winners have just been announced. Since 1965, this competition has brought us an up-close view of some of nature’s most hidden wonders. The year 2020 has been a wildcard, to say the least. The images below showcase award-winning photography while reconnecting us to the grounding and simple truths of our reality.  

The Pose



A young male proboscis monkey is delicately captured in quiet contemplation at the sanctuary in Sabah, Borneo. Photographer Mogens Trolle chimes in on the primate’s expression as “quite unlike anything I’ve ever seen on another monkey.” This image also lends a nod to the “monkey mind” mentality the modern world often struggles with. The invitation lies in finding stillness amidst a buzzing world.  


A Tale of Two Wasps



The cuckoo wasp and the sand wasp appear to engage in a dance as they prepare to enter their neighboring nests. To capture this image, photographer Frank Deschandol did some preparation beforehand. By building a high-speed shutter, he was able to quickly capture these flying wasps. This image makes it clear, no matter how different we may seem there is always harmony to be found within our similarities.  


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Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think.

– Buddha

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